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Guava Cultivation in Bangladesh: A Promising Venture for Farmers

Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 4/7 mm
Drip Tube 1/2″ or 16mm (BDfactory Made) (ft)
Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 3/5 mm
Mist irrigation with Anti Drainage Valve(Black+Black)

এসিআই হিউমিস্টার (হিউমিক এসিড) ১ কেজি
Original price was: 250.00৳ .Current price is: 245.00৳ .
Popup Sprinkler
Original price was: 3,500.00৳ .Current price is: 2,500.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,500.00৳ .Current price is: 1,490.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,000.00৳ .Current price is: 1,190.00৳ .

Guava is a tropical fruit that is widely cultivated in different parts of the world. In Bangladesh, guava cultivation has become a promising venture for farmers due to its high economic potential and low production costs. Guava is an excellent source of vitamin C and other nutrients, making it a highly sought-after fruit in the local and international markets. This article will explore the potential of guava cultivation in Bangladesh and its benefits for farmers.

Guava cultivation in Bangladesh is widespread and has a long history. It is mostly grown in the northern, central, and eastern regions of the country, where the climate is tropical and subtropical. The fruit has become a staple in the diet of some of the Bangladeshi population due to its nutritional value and affordability. It is also used to make jams, jellies, and other products.

One of the main advantages of guava cultivation is that it requires low production costs. The plant is resilient to pests and diseases, making it easy to care for and maintain. Guava trees can also grow in different types of soil, ranging from loamy to sandy soils, making it versatile and adaptable to different environmental conditions. Farmers can also harvest guava fruit all year round, which generates income and reduces the risks involved in seasonal farming.

In addition to its low production costs, guava cultivation is also highly profitable for farmers. The demand for guava has been growing steadily in the local and international markets, with several countries importing guava fruit from Bangladesh. The export potential of guava fruit has increased in recent years, with more buyers interested in the fruit’s high-quality standards. Bangladesh exports guava fruit to countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Malaysia, among others.

Moreover, the government of Bangladesh has been promoting guava cultivation programs to support farmers’ interest. The government has launched several initiatives aimed at providing farmers with support services, including access to quality farm inputs, technical advice, and training on modern farming practices. They have also increased investments in rural infrastructure, which includes the construction of new roads, irrigation canals, and storage facilities, contributing to the fruit’s value chain.

In conclusion, guava cultivation in Bangladesh is a promising venture for farmers due to its low production costs, high profitability, and export potential. With the increasing demand for guava fruit in the local and international markets, farmers can expect to earn higher returns on their investment. The government of Bangladesh has also been providing support services to farmers, which has further improved the sector’s performance. Overall, guava cultivation has the potential to transform the lives of many farmers in Bangladesh by creating an opportunity for them to boost their income levels, improve their standard of living, and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Krishi Mela
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