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From Mangoes to Guavas: A Guide to Fruit Cultivation in Bangladesh

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Original price was: 250.00৳ .Current price is: 245.00৳ .
Popup Sprinkler
Original price was: 3,500.00৳ .Current price is: 2,500.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,500.00৳ .Current price is: 1,490.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,000.00৳ .Current price is: 1,190.00৳ .

Bangladesh is a country known for its tropical weather and fertile land, which makes it an ideal place for fruit cultivation. Mangoes and guavas are two of the most popular fruits grown in the country, and their flavorful taste and nutritional value make them a must-have in any diet. In this guide, we’ll explore everything there is to know about fruit cultivation in Bangladesh, from selecting the right soil and planting techniques to proper care and maintenance.

Soil and Planting

The first step in fruit cultivation is selecting the right soil for your mangoes or guavas. It is essential to choose soil that is porous and rich in organic matter to ensure that your trees grow healthy and strong. Mango trees thrive in well-drained loamy soil, while guavas prefer soil that is slightly acidic with good drainage. When planting your trees, make sure to dig a hole that is big enough for the seedlings and fill with a mix of soil, sand, and organic matter. Space the plants at least 10-15 feet apart to give them enough room to grow, and make sure they receive plenty of sunlight.

Care and Maintenance

Once you have planted your mango or guava trees, it’s essential to take care of them to promote healthy growth. The first few years are crucial, and regular watering and fertilization are critical to ensure that your trees thrive. As your trees mature, reduce the frequency of watering and only water when the soil is dry. Additionally, pruning is essential to help shape the trees and promote new growth. This process involves removing dead or diseased branches and thinning the canopy to allow more sunlight to reach the lower branches.

Pest and Disease Management

Unfortunately, mangoes and guavas are susceptible to pests and diseases, which can impact the quality and yield of the fruit. One common pest is the mango hopper, which feeds on the leaves of mango trees and can cause significant damage. To prevent infestations, regularly inspect your trees for signs of pests and treat with insecticides if necessary. Fungal infections are also common in both mangoes and guavas, and early detection is critical to control the spread. In addition to regular inspections, it’s essential to practice good plant hygiene, including removing fallen leaves and fruits, and properly disposing of them.

Harvesting and Storage

The best time to harvest mangoes and guavas is when they are ripe and mature. Mangoes are typically harvested between May to August, while guavas are available from February to June. To ensure that you get the best quality fruit, gently twist the mangoes or fruits until they come off the tree. It’s essential to store your fruit properly to prevent spoilage and maintain their freshness. Mangoes can be stored at room temperature but should be consumed within a few days. Guavas can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

In Conclusion

Fruit cultivation is an exciting venture that can be both profitable and rewarding. By selecting the right soil, providing proper care and maintenance, and managing pests and diseases, you can grow high-quality mangoes and guavas in Bangladesh. Remember to harvest your fruit at the right time and store them properly to maintain their freshness. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing healthy and delicious fruits in your own backyard.

Krishi Mela
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