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Breaking into New Markets: How Bangladesh is Boosting its Fresh Fruits Exports

Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 4/7 mm
Drip Tube 1/2″ or 16mm (BDfactory Made) (ft)
Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 3/5 mm
Mist irrigation with Anti Drainage Valve(Black+Black)

এসিআই হিউমিস্টার (হিউমিক এসিড) ১ কেজি
Original price was: 250.00৳ .Current price is: 245.00৳ .
Popup Sprinkler
Original price was: 3,500.00৳ .Current price is: 2,500.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,500.00৳ .Current price is: 1,490.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,000.00৳ .Current price is: 1,190.00৳ .

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with a GDP of over $300 billion and a population of more than 160 million people. However, despite its significant economic growth, Bangladesh has yet to fully utilize its potential in the agricultural sector. With a large number of fruit-bearing trees and a favorable climate for fruit cultivation, the country has become a major exporter of fresh fruits in recent years.

The Bangladesh government has been encouraging farmers to invest in orchards for fruit cultivation by providing various incentives and subsidies, eliminating the middlemen, and focusing on direct sales to foreign markets. These efforts have gradually started paying off as the country has seen a significant increase in its fruit production, particularly for mangoes, lychees, pineapples, and jackfruits.

In the past, Bangladesh used to only export seasonal fruits to neighboring countries such as India. However, with the help of government initiatives and the private sector, the country has started exporting fresh fruits to international markets such as the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. One of the success stories of Bangladesh’s fresh fruit export is its mangoes, which have been exported to over 40 countries, including Australia and Japan.

The fruit export business is not only helping farmers earn more income but also generating significant foreign exchange for the country. In 2020, Bangladesh’s fresh fruit export earnings reached almost $100 million, a 20% increase from the previous year. The government aims to further enhance the export value to $200 million by 2021, and $1 billion by 2025.

To meet this target, the government and other stakeholders have been focusing on building a strong infrastructure, especially in transportation and packaging. The country is investing in creating more cold storage and modern packaging facilities to meet international standards and improve the shelf life of its fruits. It has also established a fruit processing zone to enable value addition, which would create jobs and reduce food wastage.

Apart from infrastructure development, Bangladesh is also working on promoting its fresh fruits in international trade fairs and exhibitions, such as the annual World Food Expo. These events provide opportunities to connect with international buyers, and showcase the quality, variety, and taste of Bangladesh’s fruits.

In conclusion, Bangladesh’s fresh fruit export business is on the rise, and the country is making efforts to diversify its market base and improve its competitiveness in the global market. With the ongoing government initiatives, the private sector’s participation, and the commitment from farmers, Bangladesh’s fresh fruit export business is set to grow significantly in the coming years.

Krishi Mela
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