Unlocking the Potential of Mango Export: Bangladesh’s Journey to Success

Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 4/7 mm
Drip Tube 1/2″ or 16mm (BDfactory Made) (ft)
Micro Drip tube ড্রিপ টিউব (ft) 3/5 mm
Mist irrigation with Anti Drainage Valve(Black+Black)

এসিআই হিউমিস্টার (হিউমিক এসিড) ১ কেজি
Original price was: 250.00৳ .Current price is: 245.00৳ .
Popup Sprinkler
Original price was: 3,500.00৳ .Current price is: 2,500.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,500.00৳ .Current price is: 1,490.00৳ .
Irrigation Screen filter
Original price was: 2,000.00৳ .Current price is: 1,190.00৳ .

Mangoes have been an integral part of Bangladesh’s agriculture and culinary heritage for centuries. The tropical climate and fertile soil of the country have made it one of the top mango producing countries in the world. However, despite being a major exporter of mangoes, Bangladesh has not yet unlocked its full potential in this sector.

The journey to success in the export of mangoes started with the formation of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1971. The ministry worked to establish a mango research institute, providing research and development facilities for the farmers. The government also created various policies to support the mango industry, including financial assistance schemes, subsidies on inputs, and support for research facilities.

The Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) established fruit-processing plants and started exporting processed mango products, such as pulp, juice, concentrate, and chutney. The government also established the Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) to promote the export of mangoes and other agricultural commodities.

The private sector soon followed suit, establishing large-scale orchards and processing plants. In recent years, the government has taken significant steps to modernize the sector, introducing the use of modern technology, drip irrigation, and high-quality packaging facilities. The government also works with the private sector to provide technical, financial, and marketing support to small farmers and traders.

As a result of these measures, Bangladesh has seen steady growth in its mango exports over the years. In the 2019-2020 season, Bangladesh exported 102,184 metric tons of mangoes, earning $82.25 million in revenue, a significant increase from the previous year.

However, there is still scope for improvement in the sector. Bangladesh has a highly variable climate, making the mango season unpredictable. This unpredictability can create supply chain problems and reduce export-quality mangoes. As such, there is a need for more sophisticated prediction models to help farmers prepare for upcoming seasons and take necessary steps to mitigate any potential issues.

Another major challenge is ensuring the quality of the exported mangoes. Many countries have stringent standards for fruit imports, and Bangladesh must adhere to these standards to ensure that its exports are accepted. To achieve this, more quality control systems and certifications need to be established to ensure that the mangoes meet international standards.

Overall, the journey to success in Bangladesh’s mango export industry has been a long one. However, the government’s policies and initiatives, as well as the hard work of farmers and private investors, have laid a strong foundation for the sector’s growth. Unlocking the full potential of mango export requires overcoming significant challenges, but it is a journey worth undertaking. With continued support, Bangladesh’s mango export industry can reach new heights and become a significant source of revenue for the country.

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